"Conclusive research suggests that 95% of people believe they are self-aware. In reality, only about 10% of us really are."
- Dr. Tasha Eurich, Organizational Psychologist
My approach to individual or team sessions begins first by understanding how your brain works and is focused on creating the right conditions to improve self-awareness and behaviour change.
The V4 Method™ is grounded in the principles of our Autonomic Nervous system as well as the principles of Flow, defined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s research as our optimal state of consciousness where you feel and perform your best. By changing our nervous system, we can increase neuroplasticity, which accelerates our ability to access peak performance states.
More simply put, it helps my clients achieve true self-awareness and accelerates learning, which in turn improves all facets of their personal and professional performance.
I developed the V4 Method™ to help accelerate growth, optimize peak performance and help people get more of everyday life into a state of Flow. It’s a powerful way to leverage science to increase performance, happiness and our overall optimal experience.
The V4 Method™ involves four critical steps:
Neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain and nervous system to change itself – is one of the most important aspects of our biology. It holds the promise for each of us to think differently, to learn new things, to overcome painful experiences and to adapt to anything life brings us.
Neuroplasticity holds the key to changing:
Behaviours - habits and change
Thinking - mindset and attitude
Emotions - awareness, regulation and resilience
Using a fundamental model of neuroscience shown below, we can consider the types of influences and interactions that affect our neurobiological functioning, brain optimization and overall performance. Using a systems approach, we can identify which tools may be most effective and when, as well as how to shape our environments to support growth.

For example, in tackling anxiety, an ineffective but common tool to regulate our nervous system after a stress response is via top-down methods using the thinking brain such as talk therapies. However, bottom-up methods such as breathing or mindfulness techniques, that offer a body-first approach, are much more successful in regulating our nervous system and rewiring our stress responses.
By leveraging the latest neuroscience research, I help individuals and teams improve decision-making. This comes about through change in behaviours, accelerated learning and skill development, and managing risk in cognitive decision making.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to be sculpted and change in response to experiences. By increasing neuroplasticity, we can explore learning or changing behaviours, habits, skills, or beliefs. This is effective for changing culture which is anchored in unspoken behaviors, mindsets and social patterns.
Using tools such as physiological data measurement through wearable devices, we can dig deeper into identifying and measuring states of our nervous system. This allows us to understand when our autonomic nervous system is in conditions that may lead to cognitive bias or impairment. By understanding individual inner maps, we can reconfigure them, leading to increased cognitive and physical function.